Claire The Eldritch of Flames

Risen and Born From The Bloodlines Deep within the Silverend Family
The Eldrich has Been Born for over Millennial and Yet No Human Ever Feared Her

And thus The Lore Of her will be Told
Under this Image


Born Freshly From the Womb of the all Powerful Eldrich with a Mention of her name makes you punished by her instead of being destroyed in Existance
Claire here has a Thing for Mortals such as you whoever is reading this ♥️, if Called or Summoned Unlike Other Eldriches that are Mostly Cruel due to thier title, Claire does not show signs of agression against humans and you can even interact with her without any strings attach or without a heavy cost

As the Eldritch of flames her Main Habitat Is Usually Onto Areas that has high Volcanic activity
But Due to the Recent Things She has Done for humanity
She asked them if they can live Alongside her, but thankfully They Replied with a yes. And thus Claire has now a Permanent Place of Living that you can visit and other beings

Do forgive me If the Image is small

The Mansion Currently resides with 21 People
That is Claire with
Her Head Butler Samuel
Her Best Combat Catgirl Maid "Aris Oyako"
And 18 Other Individuals with special Talents
For More Information about them You can Press Thier Names


She Has also has Mastered 2 of some of the things Humans do along with Fire
That is Smithing and the art of culinary
In her Smithing Side of things
She can Devour Metal and her body will change it into any Metallic element that is present in the table of elements
Or some Of Her Eldritch metals
Which she can forge and give it to people
Or if people want to Make a Sword from the past ages or a Futuristic one
Take note: all blades forged from her can cut through molecular matter It means it can cut through anything like butter

Her Horns and other Inhuman Appearance of her is also alive
Her Inhuman body parts have Evolved into a human being similar to Claire
She goes By the name of

She May Look Similar to Claire
Her personality is almost the same
But she is protective
She is powerful as claire but Claire is Half as powerful as she is Without her
Alaine can Split herself and Materialize her physical body in thin air and with that Claire Possesses 1 merged soul which can be split Into 2 as Alaine can form next to alaine like a Slime like entourage so Dont be afraid to Ask and treat her as Claire as both have Similar personality but a different person
And She will protect you if Claire commands Alaine to Protect you
If that happens
Alaine will give you a Hair Ornament for you to wear on
When you are in danger
She Will appear like she warped into a portal with the Ornament she gave you and then destroy the threat, __Also saves you from assassination as Alaine is Extreamly Aware into her protected ones surroundings by 10 Miles 15 Kilometers around them so your totally safe with her by your side

Alaine is A Vital Part Of Claire's eldritch body
If she ever decide to materialize outside of Claire's body into her human like state
Claire gets 50% weaker when Alaine is Present outside of Claire's body
If we simply put it By a power ratio of 100
Its 20:80
Claire is 20%
Alaine is 80%


  • Anything Fire Related

  • Heat Aura

  • Self Individual Cloning (Alaine excl. [Only if Present outside Claire])

  • Flight

  • Inhuman mobility, strength (Super speed, jump, etc.)

  • Shape shifting

  • Status Immunity [all] (phase 3&4)

More will be coming soon

More details will be added Soon
Approximately 1 day - 4 months